JKUATCU is undertaking a project aimed at providing sustainable facilities, clean drinking water and quality permanent learning classrooms at Kasiluni Primary School in Kitui County.

The Kasiluni centre in Ngomeni division, Kyuso district Mwingi north constituency, has about 500 pupils enrolled in class one to eight. The pupils used to learn in temporary make shift classrooms before JKUATCU members went to Kasiluni for an annual mission in August 2009 and identified the need hence the ‘Tujenge Kasiluni Project’ was birthed.

The nearest primary school from Kasiluni is Kavaani Primary School which is 18km away. The project is aimed at constructing eight classrooms, a water tank and an administration block.

This project is a community venture where the parents of the pupils are the major stakeholders. JKUATCU is collaborating with the community in terms of mobilization for funding support and the management of construction works.

JKUATCU covers part of the project costs including administrative costs through donations from its members and associates.

The community contributes by providing labor for most of the construction works.

Kasiluni is mainly inhabited by Kambas and Somalis (who are predominantly Muslims). The main purpose of the project is to have Kasiluni as a mission ground for spreading the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ in line with our vision “To be a voice in this generation, in and out of campus, being models of Godly transformation”

Currently, several classes have been built and the pioneer KCPE candidates sat the national exam in November 2015. The school had a mean score of 257 out of 500 marks with the best pupil scoring 291 out of 500 marks. All glory to God.