THEME: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).



Serving the needy.


To be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

THEME: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).


1.0 NAME.

The name of the ministry shall be Hands of Compassion Ministry JKUATCU (HCM – JKUATCU).


Serving the needy.


To be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.




Hands of Compassion Ministry is and shall remain to be a Christian ministry fully centered on the gospel of

Jesus Christ and whose objectives shall be entirely nonpolitical and non-denominational and shall include;

a) To be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, loving and looking after those in need around us, the

orphans, the widows, the sick. James 1:27

b) To share the Gospel of Christ to the lost world and live out His teaching even as we help those in need.

c) To nurture our God-given talents and serve others through them.

d) To promote maturity in the Christian faith and life among members.

e) To encourage fellowship amongst members at personal level.




Definition of a Member

A member is any ministry attendee who is a registered by the ministry, fulfills the requirements for

membership, adheres to and abides by JKUAT Christian Union constitution as well as the University (JKUAT)

rules and regulations.

a) The ministry shall draw members from JKUATCU. One becomes a bonafide member by registration.

No registration fee will be required.

b) Any member desiring to terminate membership shall inform the secretary to ensure the ministry’s

records are updated. The resignation shall take effect from the date of receipt of such notice by the

secretary. The secretary shall acknowledge the receipt of the same.

3.1 Rights and Responsibilities of members.


a) Rights.

The members of the ministry have the rights to:

i. Participate in activities, events and meetings/fellowships.

ii. Be nurtured in the right doctrine.

iii. Access the necessary information that pertain the ministry.

iv. Take part in leadership nominations.

v. Be nominated as a leader in the ministry.


b) Responsibilities.

The members of the ministry have the responsibility to:

i. Attend ministry’s meetings/fellowships. ii. Participate in all the

activities and events. iii. Pray for the ministry and fellow members. iv.

Portray the right image and represent the ministry responsibly. v. Show

respect to everyone within or outside the ministry.

NB: No member shall represent the ministry in any official capacity except such authority be delegated

by the executive committee.


3.2 Discipline and Disciplinary Actions.

Disciplinary action will be taken against any member who by belief or practice departs from the aims,

objectives and the doctrinal basis of the ministry as in JKUATCU constitution.

The ministry’s committee reserves the right to handle disciplinary case or choose to pass it to the JKUATCU

executive committee.


3.3 Association.

a) The ministry shall associate with other bodies or organizations within or not within the university

upholding similar objectives and doctrinal basis as laid out in JKUATCU Constitution.

b) Members of the ministry leaving the university shall be free to continue in their involvement with the

ministry as alumni.


3.4 Alumni.

There shall be the ministry’s alumni fellowship.

b) The fellowship shall bring together the alumni of the ministry

c) The roles of the fellowship, among others shall be:

  • Advisory
  • Support
  • Involvement



Executive office bearers shall be;

i) Chairperson

ii) Vice-chairperson

iii) Secretary

iv) Organizing secretary

v) Treasurer

vi) Editorial coordinator

vii) Dad

viii) Mum



4.1 Duties of the ministry Committee

The Committee shall exercise such power as given, and any other in line with leadership on behalf of the

ministry. Its duties shall include:

a) Ensuring that the objectives of the ministry are implemented

b) Placement and replacement of any member of the Committee as deemed desirable for the efficient

running of the affairs of the ministry.

c) Choosing of various sub committees.

d) Choosing and approving of ministers/speakers on behalf of the ministry to speak in the meetings.



4.20 Chairperson.

a) Shall unless prevented by illness or sufficient cause, preside over all meetings of executive

committee and all general meetings.

b) Shall coordinate the work of the other committee members.

c) Shall foster the realization of the Vision, mission and objectives of the ministry.

d) Overall leader of the committee and the ministry.

e) Signatory of the ministry’s bank account.


4.21 Vice- chairperson.

a) He/she shall assist the chairperson in coordination of all ministry’s activities for the better

achievement of the objectives stipulated in this constitution.

b) In the absence of the chairperson assume and act on the authority and responsibility of the

chairperson, except being a signatory to the group’s bank account.

c) Perform any other duty as may be assigned from time to time by the chairperson.

d) By virtue of his/her office, is a leader of the executive committee.

e) Shall oversee all the Prayer sessions of Ministry.


4.22 Secretary.

a) Shall be responsible for all correspondences of the ministry.

b) Shall convene meetings in consultation with the chairperson.

c) Shall be taking minutes for all meetings.

d) Shall be keeping database of the ministry.

e) Shall manage, file and store all of the ministry’s documents, letters and paperwork except those

that pertain to a particular office.

f) Signatory of the ministry’s bank account.

g) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson.


4.23 Organizing secretary.

a) Shall be responsible for organizing all the activities of the society.

b) Shall be responsible for arranging a pre-visit to the suggested children homes, hospitals, homes

for the handicapped to identify any special needs that may be presented.

c) Shall book venues for all activities of the ministry.

d) Shall be responsible for all the duties of the secretary in her/his absence and carry out any other

delegated duties from the secretary.

e) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson.


4.24 Treasurer.

a) Shall receive all the monies and funds and shall deposit such in the ministry’s account.

b) Prepare an annual budget for projected ministry expenditure and income.

c) Preparation of the financial report of all the transactions from the previous General Meetings to

the next for approval by the ministry’s committee before being presented to the ministry members.

d) Keep, safeguard and update all the records of all the assets of the ministry.

e) Monitoring of all activity budgets.

f) Signatory of the ministry’s bank account.

g) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson.


4.25 Editorial coordinator.

a) Shall be responsible for all publications of the ministry either online or offline.

b) Responsible of production all ministry’s paperwork.

c) Shall coordinate and oversee the production of any ministry items or materials with authority from

the executive committee for the ministry. E.g. T-Shirts, pledge cards, book marks etc.

d) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson.


4.26 Mum.

a) Shall be responsible for tabling a detailed budget for consideration by the executive committee

before any visit.

b) Shall be responsible for arranging for the members meals during any HCM visits or related

activity such as retreat

c) Shall oversee the nurturing team together with the Dad.

d) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson.


4.27 Dad.

a) Shall be responsible and the overseer of the all sub committees.

b) Shall coordinate and oversee the operation functioning of all cell groups

c) Together with the Mum shall oversee the nurturing team.

d) Shall assist and act in place where the mum is unavailable.

e) Shall perform any other duties as assigned to him/her by the chairperson


4.28 Other members

Shall perform duties as assigned to them by the committee and / or the chairperson from time to

time and shall fully participate in the committee decision and implementation thereof.




i. Nominations should be done in October, the second Monday of the Month prior to handing over to allow for

one week probation and the other(s) for orientation. Orientation shall continue for two weeks after the A.G.M.

ii. Any Person who has been approved as a member of the Ministry for at least two semesters shall be eligible to

be nominated into office except final Year student.

The Chairperson MUST have served in the previous executive committee.

iii. Nominations for officials shall be done by secret ballot.

iv. One shall only be eligible for the nomination for a maximum of two terms.

v. Must be born again with beliefs in line with the doctrinal basis laid out in JKUATCU constitution.

vi. Should be committed and willing to serve in the ministry.

vii. Must be able to execute the duties of the particular office.

viii. Should not be holding demanding post (s) elsewhere unless it’s due to unavoidable circumstances.

ix. Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the ministry shall automatically cease to be an office bearer.



i) It shall conduct procedural matters regarding nominations and will be led by a chairperson appointed by the

outgoing executive committee.

ii) It shall consist of 7 Members who are not eligible to hold any post and shall be from the outgoing or previous

executive committee and any other member(s) of the ministry all been not eligible.

NB: The nomination dates can be revised depending on other changes; for example change of spiritual





a) Visiting homes for the elderly, hospitals, children homes, and special needs institutions to show the

compassion of Christ and the love of God.

b) To love, encourage and teach from the Word of God, His great commission.




a) There shall be two classes of general meetings; Annual General Meeting and special general meetings. The

Executive committee shall select the dates for Annual General Meetings in the first semester, as it deems


b) The Special General meetings shall be held, as it deems convenient.

c) Being a Christian ministry, prayer meetings shall be held every Monday of the week and will also double up as

an avenue for updating members on the running of the ministry. The prayer meeting day can be revised by the

JKUATCU executive committee when necessary.



a) The committee shall hold its meeting any time appropriate and convenient for at least two thirds of its


b) Resolutions within the committee shall be made by a simple majority and remain the final decision

agreed upon.





i) The assets of the ministry shall be in cash, cheque or in any kind.

ii) The main contribution shall be through member pledges. However this is bound to change with time to

an activity the ministry shall identify as a viable way of generating income. Other sources of assets shall

be; charitable organizations, friends, the JKUAT Christian Union, HCM associates.

iii) All money and funds shall be received by and paid to the treasurer or any member of the committee.

The treasurer shall deposit all monies in the name of the ministry in a bank or banks approved by the


iv) The funds of the ministry shall only be used for the purposes the committee considers proper in

accordance with the objectives of the ministry.

v) The committee shall have power to suspend any office bearer who it has reasonable cause to believe is

not properly accounting for any of the funds or property of the society and in such a case any property

misused shall be accounted for by the person responsible.

vi) The committee shall have power to appoint another person in his or her place in one month’s time on

acting capacity.

vii) The financial year of the ministry shall be from one Annual General Meeting to the other.




a) *Any member whose conduct adversely affects the reputation and dignity of the ministry, safety of the

members or has contravened any of the provision of the constitution of the ministry shall be

recommended for expulsion by the executive committee; if upon advice by the executive committee the

member has failed to reform.

b) *Office bearers may be removed from office the same way as laid down for the expulsion of member in

rule (a) above and vacancy then created shall be filled by a person elected two weeks after declaration

of the vacancy.




Amendment to this constitution must be approved by at least two thirds of majority members at a

general meeting of the ministry. It shall not however be implemented without being signed by three of

the HCM office bearers.


i) The HCM committee shall appoint an interim committee to oversee the ministry’s operation either in

full or part of it when appropriate and agreed upon.

ii) The eligible members for appointment for interim must satisfy ARTICLE IV; Clause 4.3, Parts iv, vii,

viii, ix and x of this constitution.