Music Ministry

Role of Music Ministry

Music Ministry is a sub-committee in the Christian Union mandated to facilitate corporate worship in all the union’s activities as well as any musical ministration as and when called upon inside or outside campus e.g. choir ministration,thereby serving the objectives of the Christian Union of evangelism through songs and lifestyle.


Membership is granted after auditions which take place in the 3rd week of every semester. The auditions are preceded by a prayer retreat (the previous week).


  • Praise Teams i.e.Tehilla, Shabbach and Yaddah
  • Choir
  • Instrumentalist

The Praise & Worship teams lead the praise and worship sessions during CU gatherings. The praise and worship is divided into three teams:

  • Yaddah,
  • Tehilla
  • Shabbach

The word Shabach means to address in a loud tone, a loud adoration, a shout. Proclaim with a loud voice, unashamed, the GLORY, TRIUMPH, POWER, MERCY, LOVE OF GOD. This word implies that testimony is praise.
Tehillah means to sing, to laud. A spontaneous new song. Singing from a melody in your heart by adding words to it. This refers to a special kind of singing-it is singing unprepared, unrehearsed songs. Brings tremendous unity to the body of Christ. Singing straight to God.
Yaddah means to worship with the extended hand. The giving of oneself in worship and adoration. To lift your hands unto the Lord. It carries the meaning of absolute surrender as a young child does to a parent – “pick me up, I’m all yours”.


It is formed by the various Praise & Worship Teams and is lead by a Choir master/director. The choir ministers through songs twice a month during Sunday services, alternating with the creative arts ministry.


The Instrumentalists are one set of talented men and women who minister simultaneously with the choir and praise & worship teams by playing musical instruments.The music ministry embraces worship as a lifestyle and encourages spiritual growth especially through Consistent Bible Reading (CBR), Bible Study, prayer and fasting and also bonding within the ministry for encouragement. Other activities include occasional goat-eating, retreats/outings and music workshops.


We also hold at least two worship events in a year; The famous Unashamed Praise (UP) and Afternoon Of Worship. UP is an overnight Worship Experience that takes place at mid-semester of the second semester of a spiritual year(Usually in March). Afternoon Of Worship is on the other hand an afternoon of worship as the title suggests and takes place at mid-semester of the third (interim) semester of a spiritual year (Usually in July). We hope to see you at the events.


We meet every Sunday from 7 to 8pm for evaluation in our respective groups/teams and twice a month, we have a joint evaluation at the Common Lecture Building (CLB).
We also hold several practice sessions depending on the frequency of ministrations

Music Ministry Vision

To unite the church through corporate worship that seeks to stir up the hearts of men in our generation,pointing the young and the old to the finished work of Christ at Calvary and reviving a well-cultivated true heart of worship

Mercy Amiani Music Director 0745153884
Emmanuel Gathogo Choir Director 0717838894
Edgar Mutharimi Praise & Worship Coordinator 0704094260
Gideon Youngren Chief Instrumentalist 0114141367
Praise & Worship Team Heads
Chebet Birgen Yaddah Mom 0743119693
Joshua Opo Yaddah Dad 0758590099
Debbie Shekinah Shabach Mom 0745543647
Gweth Ezri Shabach Dad 0788666778
Jane Malo Tehillah Mom 0768809474
Devlins Muuo Tehillah Dad 0741186766