Nyanza Evangelistic Team
Nyanza Evangelistic Team (NET)- JKUAT (Responding to God’s call).a) We effectively participate in evangelism in Nyanza and all parts of Kenya.
b) We dedicate hours of fellowship, prayers and intercession for Kenya and people of JKUAT.
c) We help Christians and especially members of the society in their efforts to:
~pray, study scriptures, fellowship and promote greater maturity in the faith and life among members,
~witness and present the Lord Jesus Christ to other people with a view of their personal commitment to Him.
d) We work, promote or assist in the promotion of any association having objectives similar to the objectives of the society and whose fundamental believes of such are in agreement with ours.
e) We liaise with the clergy and members of the local congregations of churches or all denominations in a bid to achieve our objectives.  

Meeting Schedule

We meet on Thursdays for prayers from 6:00PM to 7:00PM at RH 006.
We meet on Sundays for fellowship from 3:00pm to 5:30PM at SPA 101


We have the following administrative structure:
The Coordinating Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Mission Co-Ordinator, Organizing secretary/Manifest Head(Dad), Treasurer, Secretary, Music Director, Prayer Co-ordinator/Bible Study Co-ordinator, Hospitality head/Jewels Head .

We have the following ministries and sub committees:
a) Music ministry- for ministration in praise & worship and choir.
b) Hospitality ministry- For the welfare of members- organizing retreats etc
c) Finance committee- Oversees everything pertaining finances of the ET.
d) Missions committee- Oversees the planning of Annual missions.
e) Music committee- Oversees the maintenance and everything pertaining instruments.
f) Technical team- Oversees the the handling of instruments.
g) Electoral College- Oversees appointment, nominations and election of new leadership.

Policy and Values

We have a constitution, NET- JKUAT CONSTITUTION, A document that streamlines the operations of the society



We have members who range between Between 100 and 150.

Membership is open to ANY born again Christian who must fill and complete the membership form and subscribe to the statement of faith and objectives of the society as set in the constitution, subject to approval of the NET exec. It’s only after these conditions have been fully complied with, that a person’s name will be entered in the members’ register as final proof of membership.


Janice Anyango Chairperson 0700 726572
Gordon Ochieng’ Vice Chairperson 0757 201460
Caleb Mission Co-ordinator 0768 499824
Churchil Okech Treasurer 0717 274425
Stellah Barasa Secretary 0723 408716
Anthonny Adongo Music Director 0113302674
Kelvin Castro Prayer Secretary and Bible Study Co-ordinator 0790 252208
Loice Otieno Hospitality Matron/Mum and Jewels Head 0795 918061
Sospeter Ogola Organising Secretary 0795 398253

Twitter handle: @jkuatnet

Email: jkuatNet@gmail.com

Whatsapp: Admin’s number 0795 398253, 0700 726572, 0757 201460, 0717 274425

Phone: 0723 408716