Membership is open to all born-again students of the JKUAT Main Campus in Juja, who conscientiously assent to the following declaration:
“I …………… (name), born again, in understanding that JKUAT CU is a non-denominational fellowship, hereby declare my commitment to the union as a member and willingness to support it as it endeavors to fulfill its objectives.”
There is no membership fee required. To register as a member, kindly fill in your details in our database here.
Membership is terminated if:

  • A member ceases to be a student of the University.
  • A member writes to the Secretary of the Union declaring to cease being a member of the Union.
  • A member is excommunicated because of belief and/or practice, which is not in line with the Union’s objectives and doctrinal basis.

Responsibilities of Members

According our current constitution:

  • All Members shall fully participate in the Union’s affairs and activities.
  • No member shall represent the Union in any official capacity except such authority be delegated by the Executive Committee.

Members shall be:

  • Eligible to hold office and participate in the nominations of the officials of the Union. 
  • Entitled to vote in any General Meeting.
  •  Associate members shall be free to participate in the activities of the Union but shall not vote in any one of the Union’s Committees.

More information can be found in our constitution.