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It is a breezy early morning as I stroll along my hostel residence; the sun paints the horizon yellow. A sight to behold. I know the unbearable sun is about to rise, and the dusty- devil will soon replace the cool breeze.

I recall the words of Antonio Guitress’ we are conducting an unprecedented experiment with our planet, and the temperature has only moved a tenth of a degree for us until now, just small wiggles on the road. Still, now we are hitting the curve.’


I sit down, and for a minute, I still shut my eyes and try to picture The Beautiful Eden as depicted in Genesis 2:4-17, ‘…. the Lord God made every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. A river flowed out of the Eden to water the garden…and the gold of that land is good. It is a perfect haven. A breathtaking piece of art in which everything created was placed. A strong rancid scent unwillingly summons me back to the present. I should be tuned to littering around even a few centimeters from the dustbin—waste blocking the drainage system. But I can’t help but yearn for a moment in the authentic Eden.
God, her creator, was pleased and defined her as good when she and everything in her were created.
She, Eden, as a treasure, was bestowed upon man, her master, to take care of her. (Genesisis1:28-31) she was supposed to provide for her master and, in turn, her master to take care of her. Eden has been providing. She provides food from her soils, water springing from her rivers, flora, fauna, and fresh and tranquil air. Her master, on the other hand, has taken dominion over her; he took care of her then until his selfish desires replaced his love for her. And just as Eden witnessed man betray God (Genesis 3:4-7), she now gets to experience man’s betrayal.


From the ancient days of world war, man has continually mutilated Eden with atomic bombs that destroy vegetation and kill animals to fight for ego. Toxic chemicals on her soils. The millions of marine life poisoned by oil shipments, the release of untreated industrial waste in her rivers. Deforestation has become the slang for urbanization and greenhouse gases at the expense of the Ozone layer. Plastic and non-degradable waste is what replaced the natural beauty of Eden. The grabbing of wildlife habitat and trophy hunting for our selfish desires
But Eden has borne enough of her master’s selfishness. She is sick of the mutilation and has superseded her elastic limit.

She can no longer hold the rest of the creation when she is in so much turmoil. Her rage bursts out. And like Sir Josiah Stamp said, ‘we can always dodge our responsibilities, but we can never dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.’ Now it rains in February and unbearable sun in July. Floods and famine are the order of the day. Cancers and lung diseases cease to be news.

We fall in the category of church mice when it comes to biodiversity. Wild animals like monkeys are now knocking at our doorstep, demanding their habitats. White rhinos and elephants are treasures guarded jealously. And Eden is in the doldrums, and she refuses to be consoled.


There is, however, a glimpse of hope. However difficult, we can still appease Eden. Noble Wangari Maathai set the path right for the journey. Where afforestation ceases to be a taboo that Contentment flows within us.

We do not overexert our soils with chemicals nor license trophy hunting on account of the economy that we shake hands with marine life and build bridges with the Ozone layer. We are guilty of our waste management by treating it before and by proper disposal.


Ultimately let us follow the example of Christ, who is the firstborn of creation, and from Him, everything was made (Colossians 1:15); that by hook and crook we take care of our Eden, for even Christ did so as seen when He commanded the disciples to collect the leftover after feeding the 5000 multitudes (Matthew 14:20). For God shall hold us accountable for the agony of Eden.
The bottom line is that we have forgotten to tread softly on Eden as other creatures do. Therefore, let us go back and reconcile with Eden. As A.D Williams puts it, ‘The world is large enough for everyone to share, but humankind’s heart is not large enough to care. And every species is a masterpiece of The Creator. Therefore, the dire need to take care of Eden. Let us embrace Christ’s example to be masters to serve.

© 2022 JKUAT Christian Union | Growing in Faith.
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Table Of Contents

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
An Explanation of the Study Guide……………………………………………………………….. 2
For Leaders………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Lesson 1: Introduction to Finally Alive……………………………………………………………. 4
Lesson 2: What Is the New Birth? ………………………………………………………………… 6
Lesson 3: Why Must We Be Born Again? Part 1…………………………………………………. 8
Lesson 4: Why Must We Be Born Again? Part 2…………………………………………………. 10
Lesson 5: Born Again Through the Washing of Regeneration…..……………………………….12
Lesson 6: Born Again Through Faith in Jesus Christ……………………………………………. 14
Lesson 7: Born Again Through Intelligible Good News………………………………………….. 16
Lesson 8: The New Birth Overcomes the World…………………………………………………. 18
Lesson 9: Regeneration, Faith, Love……………………………………………………………… 20
Lesson 10: Freedom from the Practice of Sinning………………………………………………. 22
Lesson 11: Loving Others with the Love of God………………………………………………….. 24
Lesson 12: Helping Others Be Born Again………………………………………………………. 26
Appendix: Leading Productive Group Discussions………………………………………………. 28
