Have you ever done something then there in your mind there is a debate about your actions, maybe the good side and the bad side. Say you are commiting an evil deed, then back in your mind, there’s something questioning your action?
Aside from that, having faith, faith in Jesus is something so great, as stated in the Bible no matter the little faith, actually just that little faith can move mountains.Have you ever in one point of your life have wondered how mysterious God is, He is everywhere. Think about the qualities of God, omnipresent, powerful, omnipotent, provider, He is a worker, this is portrayed during the creation period.
God has a purpose in our lives, it’s only for us to discover that. Now, i was talking about faith, again it reminds me of a story. There once lived this old lady, she had a wound on her leg, which never healed, but only continued to torture her due to her poverty she could not go to a hospital and be attended to. She from her childhood memory taught by her grandmother long gone, that also honey could heal the wound with time. She thought to herself, honey? But how?
Leave alone the honey, just to go to the shop and purchase it was an issue as it was far and she was aged. But she was determined and so she set foot and started the journey, “I can’t afford the hospital bill but i can afford the honey,” she said to herself. After the long trek and dusty she arrived at the shop. She asked for the honey, but the price was two shillings more than what she had. She then thought of it, i did not come all this way just to go back home again without anything, empty handed. The good part was that the shopkeeper sold at quantities, and so the old lady told the shopkeeper to sell her the honey, the worst part you had to come with your own small paper-bag.
When the shopkeeper poured the honey into the paper bag, the old lady pleaded she didn’t have enough money, and that he just sells to her that way. The shopkeeper would not tolerate her, and so took the honey poured back to his jar and threw the paper-bag back to her. Nevertheless remember a little of the honey remained in the paper-bag.
The old woman believed even as little as it was almost inrecognisable it will do what she has always longed for, to be cured. So she smeared the little honey
on her wound, and alas in a few days she was completely healed.
Now dear brothers and sisters this story teaches us that no matter how little your faith is, as long as you believe in something, in God, everything is possible.The old woman from her grandmother’s teaching of the healing properties of the honey, she believed she would be healed, even though she didnt get the amount she needed, she had faith and believed that in that small quantity she still will be healed.
Let our faith be strong in God, believe He is able. In Matthew 17:20 says “…..no matter your faith, as small as the masturd seed, you can say to this mountain move, and it will move…..” Be blessed.
By Alvin Mandela
Editorial Team.